Keeping Small Promises

The brain likes patterns. That is why children thrive in predictable settings. Like “Routines”… getting up at the same time each day, going to school and having afterschool activities on specific days. And “Procedures”…having dinner, then bath, then story, then bed. These “Patterns” convince the brain that we are safe. And the brain, like any

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Being Mindful

I am often asked, “What does it mean to be mindful?” Mindfulness is simply being aware. Awareness of what is being thought. Awareness of what is being felt. Awareness of what the senses are taking in. Awareness without judgement. Slowing down. Being curious. This can be done through a variety of breathing techniques, different kinds

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The Magic of March

March, April, May. The trifecta of Spring. The first day of Spring isn’t actually until The Spring Equinox, this year on March 19th, when there is equal hours of light and darkness. But still, “In like a lion, out like a lamb.” The cold wind succumbs to cool breezes. Everything around us begins to grow

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Leap Day

Mostly every four years a day is added to the end of February, February 29th, to balance out the Gregorian calendar. Because it doesn’t take 365 days for Earth to orbit around the Sun. It actually takes 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 56 seconds, according to the National Air And Space Museum. And

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Valentines Day, This Year

The history of Valentines Day is multi-faceted. Ancient Greece honored the marriage of Zeus and Hera mid-February. Ancient Romans had Lupercalia, celebrating fertility at this time, mid-February. Around 500 AD Catholics made February 14th a Feast Day based on Saint Valentine. Historians find three men that could have been the inspiration. But my favorite rendition

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The Art Of Self-Care

Diane von Furstenberg’s famous quote, “The most important relationship you have in life is the one you have with yourself”, could not ring more true today. The relationship you have with yourself can look and sound and mean many different things. But this I know for sure, treating yourself kindly and working to understanding your

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