A solar eclipse is when the Moon blocks the view of the Sun by moving between the Sun and the Earth. Total solar eclipses happen every one to three years, but often can’t be seen by many people. Next Monday, April 8th, will be a total solar eclipse across North America. Millions of people will be able to witness the amazing and beautiful phenomena. The eclipse season that started with the lunar eclipse on March 25th, ends with this event. This particular solar eclipse is most special because the covering of the Sun, by the Moon, will be the longest totality for more than a decade.
Astrologically, a solar eclipse represents a strong New Moon. Where in lies an opportunity to let go of past energies, heal and move forward into new beginnings.
Historically, cultures around the world have been mesmerized by solar eclipses. They have held multiple symbolisms, shifting energy and allowing for cosmic reset as masses of humans look up in awe. And sometimes terror. Ancient Greeks saw eclipses as a sign that the gods were angry with them and it was a warning that the sun could leave the earth bringing misery to all her inhabitants. The Mayans believed the sun to be broken during an eclipse, a sign that earth could fall into cataclysmic destruction. Native Americans held close to their hearts that during an eclipse the sun and moon were mating and when brightness returned there had been a new birth.
Scientifically, Albert Einstein tested his Theory of General Relativity during a solar eclipse. On May 29, 1919 he confirmed that light bends due to gravity causing a distortion in space-time.
Spiritually, solar eclipses can serve as energetic portals. Shifting perspectives, aiding with epiphanies, a time of renewal. A magical time to be present, meditate, pray, change direction, have an open heart, begin again, write your own story.
I hope you look up next Monday…and enjoy the magic of the moment.