
And, It’s August

Tomorrow is August. Sunday is the New Moon. Many new beginnings. Native tribes named August’s moon after one of the oldest species of North American fish. The Sturgeon Moon. Sturgeons can grow to 20 feet and live 50 to 60 years. They have become endangered due to loss of their habitat, mostly due to pollution, […]

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Did you know that the average person has about 70,000 thoughts a day? And about half of those thoughts are decisions, 35,000 a day. About 80% of those thoughts and decisions are negative. And more than 90% of thoughts are repetitive, day after day. Affirmations are by definition, “the action or process of affirming something…;

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The Magic of March

March, April, May. The trifecta of Spring. The first day of Spring isn’t actually until The Spring Equinox, this year on March 19th, when there is equal hours of light and darkness. But still, “In like a lion, out like a lamb.” The cold wind succumbs to cool breezes. Everything around us begins to grow

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Leap Day

Mostly every four years a day is added to the end of February, February 29th, to balance out the Gregorian calendar. Because it doesn’t take 365 days for Earth to orbit around the Sun. It actually takes 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 56 seconds, according to the National Air And Space Museum. And

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