Yesterday, March 20th, was the first official day of Spring. The Spring Equinox. Meaning that there is the same amount of light and darkness, day and night. From now until June 20th, which is the Summer Solstice or the longest day of the year and the first day of Summer, the days will grow longer and warmer. Nature blooms in Spring. Trees grow tender new leaves. Flowers blossom. Baby animals are born. It is a time to regenerate, revive, reawaken. All the re- words…a prefix meaning “once more”. Spring is definitely a time to begin again.
Journaling can teach us about ourselves by spending just a few minutes each day being mindful. Oprah has continuously talked about writing down 5 things you are grateful for each day. And her famous quote, “Be thankful for what you have, you’ll end up having more;” highlights what you focus on grows. Ryder Carroll created the Bullet Journaling System that includes brainstorming, habit tracking, reminders, scheduling, to-do lists and other ideas for personal organization all in one journal. In-between a Gratitude Journal and a Bullet Journal are uncountable ways to track your life’s journey and learn more about ourselves and our unconscious. Just by leaning in to the process a few minutes a day.
I will leave you with this: Geert Hofstede, a social psychologist from the Netherlands, created the model of the “Cultural Onion”. Being both a metaphor and a pictorial representation of understanding a group of people. But, the same theory can be used on a microcosm or individual. Peeling the layers to get to the center, which is usually one’s values and beliefs. Often what we know to be true in our heart, our minds forget in the day-to-day of modern life. Connecting our heart and mind, our thoughts and actions can shift our perspective. Give us purpose. Bring us peace. Language and the written word are powerful tools in the journey to mindfulness.
Here’s wishing you a “re” markable Spring!! And I hope you spend a few moments mindfully peeling away your life to make sense of your own story.