Being Mindful

I am often asked, “What does it mean to be mindful?” Mindfulness is simply being aware. Awareness of what is being thought. Awareness of what is being felt. Awareness of what the senses are taking in. Awareness without judgement. Slowing down. Being curious. This can be done through a variety of breathing techniques, different kinds of meditation, or just being immersed in nature.

Mindfulness is a practice. A practice that is intimate with oneself. You are a unique spiritual being, having a human experience. You, like me, are here in this moment for a reason. To learn lessons. To love and be loved. To understand compassion and forgiveness and wisdom. To discover purpose through time and treasure and talent.

This awareness takes a dedication to curiosity. Being curious about yourself can look different for everyone. Meditation is often the first step. Nature walks are popular, too. However, I am a big proponent of journaling. Writing down one’s experiences, habits, to do lists, things to be grateful for, etc. And this can, over time, tell a lot about oneself. It often reveals nuances of the past and expectations for the future. Both of which, experiences and expectations, can be dangerous things.

But mindfulness brings us back to the present moment. The here and now. And reminds us of the humanness we are confined by and share with every other person we know. It brings an understanding of acceptance. Through acceptance comes peace. And through peace is a path to writing our own story.

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