The Magic of March

March, April, May. The trifecta of Spring.

The first day of Spring isn’t actually until The Spring Equinox, this year on March 19th, when there is equal hours of light and darkness. But still, “In like a lion, out like a lamb.” The cold wind succumbs to cool breezes. Everything around us begins to grow and bloom. Even humans shed their black and grey coats and sweaters and replace them with pink and purple blouses and skirts and shirts and ties. Pink and purple, and green. Saint Patrick’s Day is the 17th. Easter is the 31st this year. With Ramadan and Holi mixed in. Don’t forget Daylight Savings. Spring time forward March the 10th. March is full of magic.

So. Much. Going. On!!

I am getting my Easter Decorations out this week. And planting flowers. Doing a bit of Spring cleaning, too. I love placing bunnies around the house and the yard. Symbols of abundance and good luck. Planting seeds and container flowers in bright colors in expectation of egg hunting in a few weeks. And clearing the closet of things I no longer wear, hoping to share some of my treasures. I like to drive around my small town in the evenings now, seeing children of all ages at baseball and softball practices. I like to listen to the birds. I like to dress more colorfully and paint my nails in pastels. Spring is most definitely a time to busy ourselves.

Whatever you are doing to ready for the busyness of the season, I hope you are being mindful…

Take time everyday to be present. Notice your breath. Engage your senses one by one. Connect to the season.

Act from a place of intention. Keep small promises to yourself. Take small steps towards big projects.

Have a grateful heart. Be thankful for your breath. Have gratitude for your body. Pick one thing in your life that means the world to you and hold it close to your heart…what you focus on grows.

Write your own Springtime…Happy March.

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