The actual definition of gratitude is “the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness”.
Things to be consistently thankful for:
- Breath
- Food
- Sleep
- Nature
- Friends and Family
Living in a time of such abundance we forget how blessed we are for the simple things in life that ensure our survival. And come to us so much easier than for our ancestors. Place your right hand on your heart and your left hand over your right. Take a deep breath in. Hold it for 3-5 seconds, feeling your chest expand. Then let it out slowly. This is our life force. It feels so good to breathe deeply. It slows us down, mentally and physically. And allows a space to notice what surrounds us. We don’t have to forage or kill a buffalo to eat. Or sleep outside in the cold and the wind and the rain. Most people have choices of what and when they eat. And sleep in a warm bed, indoors. Sometimes we forget to be thankful for these things that keep us alive and keep us safe. Remembering all the little things can show how abundant our modern lives are. And with a slight shift, how we can better take care of ourselves. Showing appreciation and returning kindness ensures that life continues in a peaceful manner. A smile, a thank you, holding the door open for someone, calling a friend. Making connections, both with strangers and with friends and family, is vital to our mental and physical health. We are social beings at our core. Demonstrating gratitude and strengthening relationships with others gives us a shot of dopamine, a feel good hormone, which helps our well being. A practice of simple gratitude is good for our mind, good for our body and good for our spirit. It is also good for our karma. When others see us being grateful and doing good, then they are inspired to be grateful and do good, too. That is how simple gratitude works. And grows. And how we can help others by simply writing our own story.