This picture is of a Balinese gratitude offering. The Balinese people make these every morning, place them on their own private alters, pray and then light incense. It is believed that the smoke from the incense carries their gratitude and prayers to God. A beautiful ritual. They return to their alter mid-day and again in the evening relighting the incense and giving thanks for the day through prayer. Everyone I saw in Bali was smiling. Having such a gentle manner about them, made me feel the most at peace that I have ever felt. I miss the smell of incense and the offerings everywhere I looked. I am so grateful to have witnessed such a magical culture.
Gratitude is simply the act of being grateful. Being grateful for who you are and what you have brings more abundance into your life. What you focus on grows. Here are some ways to practice gratitude:
- Meditate on the word gratitude.
- Write down 3 things you are grateful for each day.
- Get out in nature. Notice what you see, smell, hear, feel.
- Post the affirmation “I have a grateful heart” where you can see it multiple times a day.
- Read about women in history. Discover a mentor.
- Text or call someone you love and tell them how thankful you are they are in your life.
- Do Random Acts of Kindness when you can.
- Pray.
- Schedule time to “play” weekly. Be creative. Laugh.
- Create your own ritual to show appreciation for all the abundance in your life.
And continue to write your own story, with gratitude.