Hello May…

Happy May 1st. May Day. Today is actually, according to ancient European beginnings, a time to celebrate the start of Summer. Even though Spring is only about half over and the Summer Solstice isn’t until June 20th. The Celts believed that this is the time to bring life back into the world. So they celebrated fire and fertility on May 1st.

Also, April showers bring May flowers. Where I live the nights are still cool, but the days are warming. There have been welcoming gentle Spring breezes. Flowers are blooming everywhere. I am beginning to smell jasmine in the evening, one of my favorite smells. The sun is coming up earlier now. Setting later, too. And although I am not Celtic I do like the idea of bringing some life back into my world, starting something new.

But mostly, May is for Gratitude. It is the third installment of my Spring series: Mindfulness, Small Promises, Gratitude. Mindfully being aware of what is happening inside of you…emotions, thoughts, actions. Leads to changing the parts of yourself that were programed in childhood or that just don’t serve you anymore. These are the small promises we make to ourselves. Day by day, step by step, to move in a new and different direction, viewing a 360 degree view of life, experiencing all it has to offer. Then comes gratitude. A warmed heart for the abundance of life. For free will and the opportunity to change. Moments to choose happiness over sadness or anger or fear. And a grateful heart for the roller coaster of being human. The opportunity each day to begin anew in the role of writing our own story.

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